7:52 a.m. Yay! Early for work! I mean that. It’s been hella hard to wake up with this stupid spring forward business. Yes, after 24 years you’d think I’d be used to it but I’m not.
8:25 a.m. Our fearless leader (aka my Sapphire boss) talks to me about the incident yesterday when this total nut job wandered into my lobby and proceeded to harass me with questions and then physically become invasive, but he didn’t put his hands on me. As I told Anna and Andrew yesterday, if that fucker put his hands on me I would be like “Ah hey-ull nah!” and if my hair wasn’t actually mine, I’d have snatched off and it would’ve been on like donkey kong. Hahah the great boss that is EZ has made me feel better but told me he’s still telling corporate just in case something else should happen though nothing will. He’s super! And so is my big bro for almost knocking out the dude (if he didn’t leave).
8:40 a.m. Made a poptart. Thought I would’ve learned my lesson from yesterday about poptarts, especially the way I went on and on about it with KTJ. But I am still addicted.
9:40 a.m. Smelly candidate has entered.
9:43 a.m. Warned Carl and Janel about said smelly candidate.
10:02 a.m. I seemed to have misplaced Erik. Crap. I checked my purse, around the computer…nothing. He is from Burke so the probability of him being lost is not one that people will mind but he does has Fairfax blood in him so I need to find him asap. 10:09 a.m. Ironing out details of my band with Big Bro. We’re kind of a big deal, you see.
10:09 a.m. Email back and forth with Alexandra b/c we’re both bored and miserable. Lol
10:20 a.m. Random candidate has wandered in saying she’s here for an 11:30 meeting. I understand that being early/on time for an interview is important BUT an hour is just silliness.
10:27 a.m. Smelly candidate has exited.
10:35 a.m. The trainer is here and I’m not sure what to do with him.
10:50 a.m. Back from a smoke break with Janel. Conclusion? It’s been a very strange week…and it’s only Wednesday!
10:56 a.m. The last employee to arrive has well…arrived. Ugh. I’m tired and sleepy.
10:56 a.m. I realize tired and sleepy means the same thing. But then not b/c you could be tired from running 10 miles straight but not be sleepy. Right? Right.
10:57 a.m. Kid no older than 16 years old has arrived with a potted plant and is aimlessly wandering the halls. That’s not weird or anything.
10:59 a.m. 16 year old stops to smile at me through the glass doors. I smile back and he starts stretching his legs.[He is w/o plant now.]
11:06 a.m. Wave at Shannon. Everyday I wave at everyone who walks by from my desk since there are clear glass doors (and even to a few I don’t know haha). I don’t know why I do it but everyone waves back so I figure it’s a courtesy thing. And good practice for when I win the Miss America Pageant and ride on floats and what not. Hahah
11:23 a.m. Danielley and I are a hot mess. I loves it!
11:31 a.m. Chase walks by and says “Hi Sally!” in a Mickey Mouse voice. Irony? With his new hairdo, he looks more like Donald Duck. Unlike Donald, Chase DOES wear pants. It’s appreciated.
11:33 a.m. Carl drops water bottle off at my desk and I want to do something funny to it. Maybe draw on it while he meets with his girl.
11:34 a.m. Wrote “Skyy Vodka” on Carl’s water bottle. Hope he finds that funny and doesn’t get mad at me. Especially since he’s literally a foot taller than me.
11:37 a.m. God bless g-chat. KTJ and Danielley are making the day go by much quicker and def more pleasantly.
11:40 a.m. There are sounds of something tumbling over in one of the interview rooms. I wonder what tumbled over. (Hopefully not one of our candidates…)
11:43 a.m. Carl runs outta his room snatches his bottle before I get a chance to see his face reaction to the writing.
11:44 a.m. Jay sees my guilty face and calls “Shady McShaderson!” over his shoulder on his way out.
11:45 a.m. Here comes Carl. AHHH!!!
11:50 a.m. Carl totally called me out in a slick way. He asked for his person’s paperwork which I forked over with my most innocent of faces. He acts non chalant and then throws in a casual “oh btw…skyy vodka?” I giggled nervously and hysterically. He shook his head, smiled and walked away. That’s so Carl!
12:11 p.m. Back from a cig break with the big bro. We discussed friendship, big macs, porn and our band. A usual convo for us.
12:13 p.m. I think he’s going to be mad if I post anything mentioning him at all. He is a very private person. Not a stick in the mud or anything like that but doesn’t like people all up in his shit. Which is totally fair. And something I respect about him. Let’s ask b.b. and see what he says.
12:23 p.m. No response from the bro but Sasina has finally surfaced. I wondered where she had been all day!
12:25 p.m. why are there so many effing crumbs at my desk!?
12:29 p.m. oh yeah. The whole I ate a pop-tart for breakfast thing.
1:47 p.m. Back from running to the mall with Andrew. Went to Macys so he could use a gift card and get a shirt. It was a nice shirt. Okay and I don’t know why I wrote that sentence like a freaking second grader. “Today was fun. The sun was out. It was a good day.” Hahahh we went to subway and I feel healthier. Minus the cigarette I plan on having shortly. Chatted with Janel a bit. I miss not having her on gchat!
1:50 p.m. Anna runs up excitedly with lovely plans to kill Dale. I offer to chip in and recruit a hitman.
1:52 p.m. The Bro has agreed to let me use his name under certain conditions. Anna was kind enough to let him borrow her name but I don’t think he’s cool with that. He said something back but I don’t know if it’s a yes or a no. That’s kinda how things go with us.
2:04 p.m. Sucking at life but Pamela is making me feel better about it.
2:31 p.m. Sasina wants to come down on a smoke break with me, preferably to hide behind me should big bro venture down with us.
2:35 p.m. Chase is not only melodious but he’s a total goober. And a good speller. Let’s be honest though, he’s lucky that he has a gal like Alexandra ;)
2:56 p.m. Nate just flew in (naturally as his theme song is “Flight of the Bumblebee” ) with a big silly grin on his face. I was like er?
3:16 p.m. Big bro is sure mad at me. Sadness! I totally didn’t mean to make him mad at me or at all come to think of it.
3:31 p.m. Delivered mail, made up with the big bro all is well in the world.
4:25 p.m. smoke break with Sasina and Janel (though Sasina is not a smoker she still came along for the ride.) Also stood up by big bro. The big stupid head. Hahah kidding!
4:27 p.m. I’m tired of dress and heels and I’d really like to just go home. Yes.
4:44 p.m. I’m so done with today. I don’t want to go runninnnnnnnnnnnnng. Damn damn damn.
4:45 p.m. Damn.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
These Are My Confessions...
Posted by Sally Socialite at 4:44 PM