Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why You Wanna Give Me A Runaround...

Is it a sure fire way to speed things up? When all it does is slooooooooow me down.

Man. I shouldn't sleepy blog. That last one of mine was cranky Sally and no one needs that.

Next up?

Relationships. Shocker, right?

It's still on my brain. Not just mine but relationships in general. I just got back from The Continental in Arlington which is a pretty cool place with good music. Caught up with two friends from college I hadn't seen in literally a year so it was awesome seeing them. And of course, relationships were talked about. One of of my friend's is male, the other female and ironically enough used to date each other. We talked a fair bit about relationships and I've come to this conclusion. You can sit and scratch your head and try to figure out guys/girls all you want but it's completely fruitless because circumstances are never the same, people's experiences etc.

But do we ever abide by that? NooooooOOoooOo. We still sit around and try to figure out what that other person is up to, thinking, mean when they say/do _____ and even try to analyze what the mean when they DONT say/do ________.

This is not helpful on my quest for love. Gahhhhhhhhh!

But it's not a set back either.

We'll see...