Monday, March 15, 2010

Call if you want but there's no one home

That's probably why when ET phoned home no one picked up and left his ass on earth.

I was out with the blasian family on sunday afternoon when i saw a picture of ET at the restaurant where we were.

Now ok, i would like to heavily emphasis that i only saw ET once a LooooooooOOoooOOong time ago...

Me: How did ET get home? Did he phone? Is that why he kept saying he was going to phone home?
Nigel: YOU DIDNT SEE ET?!!?!!?!?!!?!?
Me: I did!!! Calm down now...
Nigel: And you dont remember how he got home??
Me: NO! I saw it when i was like 8! Give me a break! Did the kid give him a ride home like on the bike?
Nigel: Did the kid bike him...NO!
Me: You know that's not a ridiculous question. The poster clearly shows the kid biking by the moon and ET in the basket. Or was it a tandumbike and did they pedal together to get ET home? It's very green of them you know.
Nigel: NO! How is the kid gonna breathe? And he'd have to pedal like forever.
Me: Oh really? So how did he get home?
Aisha: The SPACESHIP came and got him.
Me: Ohhhhhh of course! The SPACESHIP did. That's logical and my theory that the kid dropped him off at home is ridiuclous...
Nigel: It is! Do you know how far away ET lived?
Me: No, I've never been over to his house before.
Nigel: How would the kid BREATHE?
Me: Excuse me! But why is my logical explanation of the kid biking the alien home ridiculous and the prospect of the flying BIKE is not?!

I swear. I think people underestimate my intelligence...