Monday, May 4, 2009

When Two Become One

Ok. I'm way sick of all these meshing of two terms or making up "cutesy" "clever" terms that people are doing nowadays.

1.) Mushing Celebrity Names Together:
Ex: Brangelina, Speidi, etc.
My Gripe: It's not funny nor is it clever.

The first time it came around was when it was Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. That was mildly entertaining b/c Ben and Jen do rhyme and so Bennifer was alright. But now the entertainment world thinks its cool to mush any old two names together. I wish I could go off on a tangent as to why it's completely obnoxious but really, I feel like there's nothing more to say other than not clever, not funny. So what's point? I seriously don't get it.

2.) Coining "contemporary" terms:
Ex: "Sexpert", "Tween", "frenemy", "sexting"
My Gripe: Why do you have to come up with a term for it? Just call it like it is.

I understand that this country is based on capitalism and labels but could we please just give it a rest? I think what really disgusted me was hearing a bit on Elliott in the Morning on my drive to work and he was talking about a man who was a lawyer and killed himself at work because he had gotten laid off (amongst other things) and that the new term for people killing themselves due to lay offs or anything else is in this economy is called "econocide." Why are we trying to make something that's totally not a funny topic, a term for that? Not everything needs a term or a group or a category. Let it go.

Hearing all these terms makes me groan inwardly...and outwardly come to think of it.

It just reminds me of being on a bad date with a guy who won't stop cracking jokes HE thinks is funny and i have to smile politely while I'm dying inwardly going "Yeah no second date." Or when you meet your friends' parents (or bf's parents--or gf depending on which way you swing)
and their dad is super nice but won't stop making these corny ass jokes and you just laugh in the beginning to be nice and b/c it's endearing and then later it's not so funny and your face hurts from faking smiles.

...just stop... Please? Thanks.