Oh Lord. Why did I just do that? Why??
I did it again. I peeked around match.com (didn't sign up) and saw what my prospects were. I know I did this a few months ago and felt the same way now as I did then...which is terrified and hopeless.
It's not the stigma of online dating. I truly don't care about that. It's more like OMG I'm too weird to be doing this mixed with OMG why are they so weird and not in that we can be weird together kind of way.
I'm making a point to start "putting myself out there" after a six, yes, six year hiatus and I mostly just want to hide under my bed... With a box of cookies.
Despite my burnt out and jaded view of weddings, I decided that I think I do wanna get married. Weddings however... Don't get me started. Ovvvverrrr it. And those past two comments are certainly NOT a dig at anyone bc all the ones I've been to were lovely and everyone is still married happily--and i hope they all continue to be!
No one is more aware than I am of my short comings and why I'm not perfect. There are somethings I'm willing to compromise on...and others are a dead set no.
Things I will do for love
- Quit smoking (I wanna do that for me too but it will be easier if I had someone else to do it for too)
- Brush my hair and at least appear to be more lady like (I'm already cringing at the thought of giving up tshirts which I'm not 100% I wanna do but I'll compromise)
- Lighten up on my workaholic state to make time for a potential interest
I won't do that
- Date a guy from Arlington. Or Maryland. I don't know why but I have such a mental block on that.
- Lower my realistic standards (particularly on attractiveness) just bc society's clock is ticking away for me. I'm not looking for nor want brad Pitt but I have to like the looks at least some what
- Downplay anything I like or believe in bc someone I like feels differently.
- Stop wearing chucks
See? I'm fair enough. I'm not asking for gold. Brad Pitt. A rescue story. I want someone I find cute and fun to be with.
But after a solid 45 minutes of combing through...
I'm back to blogging. And hiding.